DetailsAfter receiving billions in Foreign Direct Investments into China, Chinese companies have begun pursuing overseas investments in earnest. But despite decades of reform and stiff domestic competition, Chinese companies that have made outbound investments have not shown the kind of success as their foreign competitors have in China. In fact, many overseas investments have failed. There are many reasons why and culture is a major one that is rarely discussed.
With experience living and managing in cross-cultural environments, speaker Wei Yen will attempt to dive into the cultural basis of Chinese management behaviors, where they have succeeded and why they have failed. The talk will include a brief discussion of Western and Chinese philosophies, management practices and case studies.
Wei Yen is the author of From the Great Wall to Wall Street: A cross-cultural look at leadership and management in China and the U.S., published by Palgrave Macmillan this year.
First 15-20 minutes is for networking
Light breakfast included