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It's time again to recognize all the women and allies that have inspired you!

There is an enormous pool of talent in Hong Kong deserving of recognition and celebration. We invite you to nominate those you feel have made remarkable contributions to our interconnected community! We also encourage you to recognize your own achievements and self-nominate.

Nomination is closed

Award DescriptionsAward Descriptions

This will be awarded to a woman who has demonstrated strong leadership potential and contributed above and beyond her peer group, delivering actionable and trackable change for women — whether by establishing a non-profit organization focused on a specific issue of concern for women, setting up a start-up that is developing a product or service that would have a significant impact on women's lives, or working within an established organization or corporation to make a difference for women's lives and careers.

Minimum requirements:

  • The woman must be under the age of 30, by December 31, 2024
  • The Applicant must show a minimum of 2 years of demonstrable activity in Hong Kong in the field where change is being made

This will be awarded to a woman demonstrating outstanding success in founding, managing, and scaling her own business, organization, or non-profit, her advocacy, power and Influence, and her community involvement and responsibility.

Minimum requirements:

  • Must be the founder or co-founder of a business registered in Hong Kong
  • She must have a minimum of 4 years of demonstrable operational leadership of the business
  • Revenue numbers must be provided to show growth
  • Must have at least 3 staff on MPF

This will be awarded to a woman who currently holds a C-suite title (or equivalent) or is sitting on the board of a company listed in Hong Kong or on an international exchange, on the board of an NGO or charity board recognized under Section 88 of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance, or on subsidiary and joint venture boards. 

Minimum requirements:

  • Must be elected and active in their role on or before December 31, 2022
  • Must have the right to work in Hong Kong

This will be awarded to a woman who is a leading personality in a STEM role at a current/previous organization and has a proven track record of advocating for increased visibility and opportunities for women in her industry.

Minimum requirements:

  • Must have been a leader in fields related to STEM for at least 3 years
  • Her work should directly involve the application of scientific knowledge, technological innovations, engineering principles, and mathematical concepts to create a sustainable impact
  • If you are under 30 years old (by December 31, 2024) you are highly encouraged to apply for the Young Change Maker Award

There will be 2 award recipients in this category, one woman and a man. This award acknowledges people who lead the way in the empowerment, inclusion, and development of women in Hong Kong, advocating for equal rights, opportunities, and visible change in policies and organizational cultures.

Minimum requirements:

  • The applicant must have been demonstrably active in leading the way for women for at least 5 years
  • If you are under 30 years old (by December 31, 2024) you are highly encouraged to apply for the Young Change Maker Award

This will be awarded to a woman who has made remarkable contributions to the development of sports, arts, or the leisure industry. The winner must demonstrate a strong advocacy for female empowerment through one or more of these activities, as well as actively working to develop career pathways for women. The award recipient brings about change not only in these fields but also in the workplace, at home, in schools, and in other areas of society. 

Minimum requirements:

  • The woman must have been demonstrably active in her field for at least 3 years
  • If you are under 30 years old (by December 31, 2024) you are highly encouraged to apply for the Young Change Maker Award

Minorities and disadvantaged groups in Hong Kong suffer on a daily basis, yet so often they are neglected and forgotten. This category recognizes a woman who has taken significant steps to improve the infrastructure that supports Hong Kong's most at-risk, and who strives to develop a quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being.

Minimum requirements:

  • The woman must have been demonstrably active in advocating for disadvantaged groups and minorities for at least 3 years
  • She must be demonstrably affiliated with a Hong Kong government agency, and/or registered charity, and/or recognized Hong Kong NGO
  • If you are under 30 years old (by December 31, 2024) you are highly encouraged to apply for the Young Change Maker Award

This award should be a company that has shown outstanding achievement in supporting the development of women in business and providing innovative work/life programs that develop and facilitate sustainable career pathways for the advancement of women either internally in its own company or through policies that encourage or require diversity in its vendors and service providers. 

If your company would like to receive guidance or support with the application, please contact by September 11, 2024. 

Minimum requirements:

  • The company must have legally registered operations in Hong Kong
  • Statistical and other evidence must show the company's ongoing activities and impact on elevating women in Hong Kong

Nomination Rules & GuidelinesNomination Rules & Guidelines

  • All submissions will be treated as strictly and entirely confidential. The submission deadline (both nomination and nominee submission) is September 30, 2024 (11:59pm HKT).
  • Each candidate can be nominated for one (1) category only.
  • Candidates are not required to be a USA citizen or to work for a USA based corporation. Candidates and business operations must have a strong impact and demonstrable link to Hong Kong.
  • Companies associated with the AmCham Women of Influence Conference & Awards- including conference sponsors (direct financial contributors with tiered recognition status); companies that employ the judges are not eligible for Best Company Championing Women. Members of these companies are welcome to nominate people in all of the individual award categories.

Judging TimelineJudging Timeline

Nominations deadline

  • September 30, 2024 (11:59 pm HKT)

Notification to all successful and unsuccessful nominees

  • November, 2024

Announcement of the 3 finalists of each category

  • February, 2025

Announcement of 21st WOI Awards winners

  • March 14, 2025 - LIVE! At the AmCham WOI Awards Presentation Ceremony 

For any queries on judging please contact