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Awards FAQAwards FAQ

Q1: What is the purpose of the awards?

The Women of Influence Awards is AmCham's annual signature event and one of the most important initiatives that recognizes women, male allies, and organizations that have demonstrated an exemplary level of action in the empowerment of women and championing diversity and inclusion in Hong Kong. 

Q2: Do I need to be an American citizen, or an AmCham member to be part of it?

Candidates are not required to be US citizens, to work for a US corporation, or to be an AmCham member. For a company submission, candidates are not required to be US-based entities. 

Everyone is welcome to nominate themselves or to be nominated, as long as the candidate, whether an individual or a company, has a strong impact and demonstrable link to Hong Kong. 

Q3: Is there any cost to apply for the award?

No. The whole process is free of charge.


Q4: Can I recommend someone for more than one category?

You may not recommend the same person for more than one category. Candidates can only submit applications and be awarded in one category only. In case you are unsure which category the person you are nominating fits best you can select "Unsure because they fit more than 1" and we will get in touch with the candidate and they can select the best fit.

Q5: How do I nominate a candidate for an award?

All award nominations should be submitted via the online form. You can nominate on behalf of individual nominees or an organization.

Nominations must be submitted online and will be confirmed via email. Once the nominations have been submitted, we will notify your recommended candidate of the next steps. (i.e. additional material required if the application was incomplete or requires a verification)

Q6: Can I submit my application without being recommended for award application? Can I apply on my own? 

Yes, we encourage everyone to submit their application without waiting to be recommended by someone else. Whether you submit your application yourself or you were recommended by someone - you have the same chance to win the award.

Q7: What is the deadline to apply?

Award nominations are open until September 30, 2024 (11:59 pm HKT). Please make sure to submit nominations before the deadline. Submissions after the deadline won't be considered. 

Q8: What's the timeline of the judging process and award ceremony? 

Nominations deadline

  • September 30, 2024 (11:59 pm HKT)

Notification to all successful and unsuccessful nominees

  • November, 2024

Announcement of the 3 finalists of each category

  • February, 2025

Announcement of 21st WOI Awards winners

  • March 14, 2025 - LIVE! At the AmCham WOI Awards Presentation Ceremony

Q9: We are a sponsor of the WOI Conference this year. Can we be a nominee? 

As a sponsor, your directors, managers, and employees can be nominated for individual awards. However, due to fairness concerns, the company cannot be nominated for the Best Company Championing Women award. 

Q10: Besides submitting nominations, how can I participate and be part of the WOI Awards Ceremony?

We would love to have your participation! 

For corporates: we're looking corporate champions to sponsor this annual signature event of AmCham, if you're keen to become a sponsor, or have any idea to support us, please send us a message to Margarett Yim.

For Individuals: the WOI conference event will have a series of pre-events and the Awards Ceremony March 14, 2025. Save the date, and we look forward to meeting you in person there!

Q11: What if I still have some questions?

The AmCham team and WOI committee are here to help, please send us a message with your questions to Adil Ali or Margarett Yim.