This event is part of the Women of Influence Lead-Up event series.

While we have many years to realize all of the business value generative AI has brought to the table, risks and opportunities around your companies and your own personal brand are already here.

Consider this:

  • Klarna's CEO froze hiring for humans and even did his last earnings call with a body double.
  • Recruitment is in a race to the bottom, with AI CVs vying for machine learning job descriptions, some of which may even be "ghost jobs."
  • The rise of video content and its power to connect and inspire is devaluing text-based content. Should you lean in, or will that be disrupted too?

In this session, renowned global futurist and former corporate executive Diana Wu David, CEO of The Future Proof Lab, will discuss trends and implications and give us an opportunity for some hands-on use of key GenAI technologies that are already in use so that you will know where to focus your energy in a quest to safeguard and build your reputation.

Kindly note:

  • The dress code is Business Smart.
  • Venue: The AmCham Community Hub

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please email You can also reach us at +852 64644561